Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Hey You,
Sorry I have been on hiatus. I have been writing half blogs and then not posting them.  They seemed too ramble-y and disjointed to post. In all honestly I didn't finish my thoughts. It is about an art piece I made and I'm super proud of it but writing in depth about it ...I kinda went with the flow, read it back and realized I was lost in spontaneous details.  Anyways, this is not that post. 
So updates on my little art world:
I did a craft fair with my paintings, I didn't expect to sell anything and I was correct but I did get feedback on what people liked and talked with more experienced artists so that was a plus :) AND there were lots of home made muffins, another plus!
I am on etsy now and I plan to be launching a shop to sell some of my originals soon!!  I'm looking into making prints and greeting cards too but we'll see.  ( recommendations are welcome) More on that soon!!
Kelly Rae Robert's E course has come to a close and I'm... well... going to miss it.  It was such a good motivation for me and in 5 weeks and my art presence on line went from a small album of my course work from collage and a few random paintings on facebook and an old online shop selling duck tape roses on etsy rotting away in the hollows of the internet... (probably untouched for 4 or 5 years) to a twitter account @CapenterArt , a blog (which you have found, yay you!), a business facebook page http://www.facebook.com/lauracarpenterart, I've resigned up on etsy http://www.etsy.com/people/lauracarpenterart?ref=pr_profile with new motivation (again no shop yet but I have goals set!) Not only have I been improving on the business front that I've managed to keep house somewhat better and we've been eating less chinese at ungodly hours of the night (yay! that stuff gets pricy after lunch!) 
Best of all I'm finaly considering myself as both a stay at home mom and a self employed artist!  woohoo! I know that's technically the easiest thing to do, call myself what I want to be called... but there seems to be these worthyness crutches we give ourselves like some how something crazy needs to happen before I can really be an artist.  I mean I've always called myself an artist but I was more referring to it as my favorite pastime and not my passion (well, second to God and family).  So yeah... I'm an artist!!

So some battery recharging was in order today and it involved a lovely stroll, a delicious warm dinner and a detour at the cheese shop (good grief I have a weakness for delicious cheese...free samples don't fight fair... some how they turned into salami and cheese for our next "date-night-in" too bad I'm not that into wine... maybe I'll get some grape juice for a touch of class...;)

Ok that's my progress report for now.  Next I want to get an online shop up and running, make a few sales, make a website & revamp this cute (but generic) little blog, and get me some business cards and start making prints!! oi much to do.  I kinda want it all in place before thanksgiving.  Will it happen? we'll find out!

So my recommendation is to do what you love and strive to make the necessary steps to making your dreams reality but don't forget to take care of yourself and reach out to those you love (and eat gourmet cheese... ) fair well lovely people, some pumpkin cinnamon roll dough needs tending to before it goes in the fridge overnight and then some pumpkin seeds require liberating from their orange prisons. 

Laura Carpenter

PS: the recipie I am trying is found  http://katieatthekitchendoor.com/2011/12/05/overnight-cinnamon-pumpkin-rolls/  i don't have cream-cheese   for the frosting but it looks promising all the same :D (it didn't call for fancy shmancy welsh cheddar cheese with mustard seeds and love and fire?? )

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