Friday, September 21, 2012

Greetings & Salutations!

Hey You,
I have been wanting to start a blog for some time and I've been having a hard time coming up with a concrete topic or theme.  I want to write about lots of things! Art, coffee, my favorite places, my favorite artists, my favorite places to get coffee. I'd love to showcase my new and captivating art that I keep finding on the net. I want to goof off and be myself.  I want to share recipes, thoughts, make up ideas, perhaps teach some art techniques... organizing my thoughts is like herding cats! Good.  Stinkin.  Luck. 
I've noticed a common thread and I think I've got the theme finally (drum roll please!)
Inspiration. or more specifically, things that have inspired me and things I have been inspired to make or do. 
I'll try to come up with a schedule and make sure I have re-occurring themes so there's some form of consistency.  I've got a mountain of ideas and a cute baby in my lap to distract me... hello handsome, did you wake up?

I suppose I should properly introduce myself.
My name is Laura Carpenter.  I am 22 years old.  I am a wife and mother.  I am a christian and I am addicted to art and coffee. And we can be friends because you are a beautiful and significant person!  Feel free to say hi in the comments :)



  1. Hi Laura, nice to meet more of you and I look forward to reading more of your blog.
    -Cassidy (Flying Lessons)

  2. Laura, I am taking Flying Lessons as well and in my early 20's too. I just started my blog on wed. I am excited to see where your blog takes you as you move forward!

  3. I'm not a coffee fan but I do love art so we have that in common. Love the look of your blog. I too am taking Flying Lessons and wish you the best.
