Saturday, November 9, 2013

I'm Not Dead!... (but I do have different ideas)

Ok so I've been away for some time. From my blog that is and I've been very present in my own life which is good because if i wasn't living my life than who is? Yeah, wouldn't be me I'll tell you that.

Couple of funny things I've noticed in my absence.
1. My audience seems to primarily be france and china... I don't know what i have to offer either of you but thanks for visiting.

2. The last few posts both published and unpublished are about me wanting to change the focus of my blog to make it more relevant to things I actually do and know about than things I really do.  Problem, I'm really not an expert in being a mom so much as its what I suddenly am and now I need to learn how to be not only a mom but the very best mom I can be... Because I want my son to have the best mom and so the choice is mine.  The one I havn't published yet and might not now was that I was going to do a blog overhaul and gear it to my already just above crash and burned business venture in the tie dye onesie making world.  What killed that was getting a job. A good job but a job that took me away from any free time I had to do art or devote to hand dyeing, i hardly have time to spend with my kiddo and keep the clutter at home to a dull roar.  So that was a bummer because I invested in a lot of materials to get that up and running.  I still play with the idea of getting that going and I do have requests for those now and then despite not getting blogs etsy, or business cards together but not really enough time to experiment with branching out into women's ware... sigh. 

So I've pretty much disbanded my audience (for good reason) and my blog is trying to find itself while I'm trying to make my life both fit me and where I'm at. 

I have little time for art sadly but that dosn't mean there aren't topics that are important to me that I couldn't apply creative thinking to.  More specifically I have taken a very intense interest in health.  I almost want to describe it as eating according to a code of ethics.  Let me elaborate. I wish to be free of GMOs and consume as little pesticides as possible.  I want to not look for food with the least bad but the most good.  I want naturally occurring nutrients. I want to know where my food comes from and eat as organically and locally as I can.  The less packaging the better, the less processed, even better still. I'm aware that this sounds like a lot.  To my husband this sounds like I'm going to spend all our money on 3 bags of groceries and then after we eat a few weird hippyish meals we'll starve until the next paycheck. He says he'd love to eat organically and buy from the butcher and farmers markets but hes pretty convinced that it's not in the cards for us.  I am determined to prove that thinking wrong.  I know we are horrible at handling our money (I like to think I'm a little better than he is, but I do have my binges) and when it comes to buying groceries that's no exception.  I think if we were to stratagize better we could eat delicious, nutricious, meals that rely less on huge corporations and more on my home town.  and I think we can afford it.

I've been drawing a lot of inspiration from this lady here

This entry has gotten too long for today but I do have lots of ideas for future posts on this subject.  some things I've done some homework on and already incorporated in our meal plans with varying levels of success.  More on that soon.  Till then thanks for reading and my God bless you and keep you :)